New printing policies, please read!!

Printing Policies:
Please ASK for your teacher’s approval before printing.
Print jobs will now print in the lower level of the library at the circulation desk.
Once you have printed, you should walk down to the circulation desk to ask for your print job.
Printing is free, but please do not abuse it. If we feel you are wasting paper and ink (e.g. printing things unrelated to school, printing multiple copies, or just plain printing too much), we will ask you to stop printing.
NO multiple copies. The printers are not copy machines; please do not treat them as such. 
PRINT AT YOUR OWN RISK. The library is not responsible for paper jams, printer errors, etc.  Always save your work to a flash drive or your Z: drive.  If you need help saving, please ASK!

Students may print one final copy of an assignment to be handed in.
Students should use electronic means of saving database articles (such as e-mailing the article to one’s self or saving the article on a flash drive or Z: drive) whenever possible.
Practice your note taking skills by jotting down important information rather than printing entire articles.
Please do not print web sites!  If you need something from a website to be printed, use the “print preview” feature so that you can see the print job and ONLY print the page you need or copy and paste what you need into a Microsoft Word document.  If you need help with this, please ASK!!
**If we all work together on this, we can reduce the amount of waste that occurs, thus ensuring we will have enough resources for the school year!